7 Things

Seven things God hates:

  1. Arrogant (haughty) eyes: This describes a feeling of pride and looking down upon others
  2. Lying tongue:A tongue speaking is one that speaks falsehood, knowingly and willingly, with an intention to deceive others.
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood: This refers to cold blooded murder.
  4. A heart that devises wicked schemes:This encompasses thinking or conceiving evil against any individual or group for personal benefit, but also for other misguided objectives
  5. Feet that are quick to rush into evil:Those whose feet are quick to rush into evil display no resistance whatsoever to sin.
  6. False witness who pours out lies:This is similar to the sin of the lying tongue mentioned earlier, but this form of lying is given special mention as it could send an innocent person to jail
  7. A man who stirs up dissension among brothers:Brothers are created by God to live in unity

Not Important?

They didn’t come out for the injustice of slavery,

They didn’t come out for the Jews in Germany,

They didn’t come out for the babes that are abused,

They didn’t come out for the girls sold and used,

They didn’t come out for the shedding of  innocent blood,

Oh no, none of this was worth any love.